Posted on March 30, 2010 by Dennis Salazar

Bad Axe Tools Works Wins Globe Guard Eco-Consistency Award

Bad Axe Tool Works logo

Congratulations, Bad Axe Tool Works!

We are proud to announce that Mark Harrell and his company, Bad Axe Tool Works, is the first 2010 recipient of the highly coveted Globe Guard Eco-Consistency Award. The fact is that they have been on our green radar screen for some time — ever since we highlighted their very sustainable packaging in an ISP post last June.

Even at that time, we knew Mark and Bad Axe were special. However, we had no idea just how committed they were to walking the eco-walk until we saw their new and improved Web site and a surprising addition they chose to make.

The Globe Guard Eco-Consistency Award Cannot Be Bought

Please note that most Globe Guard Eco Consistency Award winners are not customers. In fact, the only two recipients during all of 2009 were not customers at all: They were Home Depot for their plastic flower pot recycling program and Unilever for their club store Axe Deodorant three-pack.

There are so many companies that fall short in terms of eco-consistency that we feel obligated to point out the ones that do try harder and are successful.

When the Packaging Application Gets Tough, the Tough Turn to Globe Guard

Mark Harrell makes best-of-class cutting tools so sharp edges are a desired end result on every product, not just an occasional packaging problem. At the same time, Mark also understands that his customers care about the environment and expect their suppliers to respect eco-friendly solutions in everything they do. This philosophy, combined with a tremendous personal commitment and belief, is why Mark works so hard to make sure his packaging is effective and as green as possible.

Green and Proud of It

During a round table discussion at a sustainability conference I attended last week, a few people mentioned that sometimes companies are reluctant to bring too much attention to their sustainability initiatives. The reasons cited included the possibility of raising unrealistic expectations, inviting criticism, starting something that can’t possibly finish, etc. That is part of the reason we love companies like Bad Axe Tool Works. They eagerly and enthusiastically put their green solutions on display and challenge others to follow their example.

Excellent work, Mark Harrell and Bad Axe Tool Works! Thank you for your eco-consistent green message and for the great plug for our Globe Guard products.
