Posted on October 15, 2024 by Michael Boik

Eco-Obvious Ecommerce Packaging

Being sustainable has never been a higher priority for many businesses, as they look to minimize their environmental impact across their operations/processes/product manufacturing. This of course includes their product packaging, and we have been a leader in green, eco-friendly packaging options and products since 2007. Yet, it is no longer enough to just be environmentally focused. To really stand out from your competitors, you can’t just KNOW that your packaging is green. You have to SHOW that your packaging is green, by communicating to your customer.

This concept, known as eco-obvious, is perhaps the largest trend in packaging today. Have sustainably sourced materials, yes. Ensure your packaging is recyclable, yes. Utilize eco-friendly inks and processes during manufacturing, yes. But also let your customers know that green is a priority for you, by relaying that message on your packaging branding/printing.

Here are some suggestions for how to be eco-obvious with your packaging.

Urge Your End Users To Recycle/Reuse

By including a simple line such as “please recycle me” or “100% fully recyclable” somewhere on your box’s branding can be a very simple and effective way to communicate in an eco-obvious way with your customers. You are not only increasing the likelihood that they will do the right thing and recycle the box, but you are also declaring that being green is at the top of your mind as a brand/business. You’ve chosen to source recyclable packaging materials, and you’ve decided to use that all so valuable real estate on your boxes to communicate a sustainable message.





Communicate the Recycled Content

This goes hand and hand with the above point, but it’s equally important to note because while most packaging materials may be recyclable, the recycled content will vary. Sourcing boxes, envelopes, or other packaging that is made from a high percentage of recycled content often takes effort and sometimes may require higher minimums. It often means you went above and beyond and took extra steps in the process. This is especially true if the packaging is 100% recycled content or even 100% PCW (post consumer waste). Don’t assume your customer/end user knows the effort you went through to be eco-friendly. Make it a part of your messaging.


Highlight the Other Eco-Friendly Details

There are other ways to be eco-obvious, including mentioning some of the finer details of the manufacturing process. At Salazar Packaging, all of our boxes are printed with water-based sustainable inks. Another less commonly highlighted aspect is the board/paper savings that happen as a result of smart structural design. We pride ourselves on right-sizing our packaging to best fit your products, and this often times results in substantial elimination of excess board. It’s also very likely that your custom insert/divider/partition is saving you from using a lot of excess void fill, including foam, bubble and plastic void fill that may end up in a land fill. Again, your customers may not connect those dots and see the green efforts your company is making unless you communicate those details.


Want to know more about Salazar Packaging’s sustainable packaging practices? Read more here or contact us directly via the link below to talk with us today about how you can be eco-obvious in your packaging efforts!

Please Contact Us Today

As always, if you have any questions, one of our branded packaging advisors is standing by to assist, with decades of experience behind them. Want to know more about custom packaging options? Please call us at 630-551-1700 or contact us via email at


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