Semi custom e-commerce DTC boxes an ideal packaging solution
Almost a decade ago at the beginning surge of businesses getting into e-commerce and custom printed boxes, we introduced the term, “semi-custom” branded boxes. Even back then, we recognized that the cost of a custom size cutting die (today around $1,000 each) could be a major cost hurdle for a new company or even an established company introducing a new or limited run DTC box.
We started collecting custom size cutting dies and today we have over 240 sizes and styles available for customers to use at no charge. Not surprisingly, they include many of the most popular sizes used for e-commerce shipping. We have been able to help hundreds of customers avoid the cost, time delay, and quite frankly, the headache of making their own custom size cutting die.
Semi-Custom Printed Shipping Boxes
The name may be a little misleading, but this is not about graphic design. We still want your look, logo, and color to be as unique as possible. We have no “stock prints” or “standard colors” you are forced to pick from. In terms of graphic design what we provide is hundreds of Pantone (PMS) colors and any pattern or design you or your graphic artist can come up with. If you don’t have a graphic artist, we will even recommend a few good ones you can pick from.
When we talk about “Semi-Custom” we are referring to the structural design. This distinction is further explained in the first related post below. Our semi-custom program allows you to select from one of our available cutting dies that is probably within an inch of what you had in mind. As mentioned above, it does save you money and time, and we can quickly provide a die line or template for adding your own graphics.
Since it is an existing die, several of the decisions are already made for you. The box size, the box closure style and the board thickness or grade, are already determined. For example, it may be a front lock or a top tuck, it could be a cutting die designed to work on thinner E-flute board, or thicker B-flute board. It could be laid out as a one out, two out, or eight out, which will impact the cost per box as well. This is probably a good time to remind you that if you do require a custom cutting die, we can produce it for you quickly at the lowest possible cost. Also, please remember even if you use one of our stock size boxes, we can still make a custom insert to hold your specific product and configuration, like the image at the top of the page.
The DTC Packaging Possibilities Are Unlimited 
The boxes shown in the photo to the right are all the same box size. It is our extremely popular, stock 9” X 6-1/2” X 2-3/4” top tuck box in B-flute. What we show in this photo is just a handful of these boxes we have made over time. You can see there are no limitations on color or design and even though they are all the same size box, they each look different to satisfy the product and application requirements. Exceeding customer expectations is what we have done for over thirteen years.
E-commerce Packaging Help is a Phone Call or Email Away
Creating your own, custom, great looking DTC box that presents and protects your product, is not as difficult as it may appear. Not when your packaging partner does this hundreds of times every year and produces millions of custom printed boxes.
Call us at 630-551-1700 or contact us through this web site. One of our trained, experienced people will be eager to help you through the process and create the box you envision.
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