Posted on April 13, 2010 by Dennis Salazar

Smart Green Customers Choose Globe Guard Products

A Chicago area clothing retailer had a rather catchy slogan I used to appreciate – “An educated consumer is our best customer”. I believe I related to it as a lifelong student as well as teacher within the packaging industry. I’ve never stopped learning and I truly respect people who also share the same passion, to make good decisions based on study and research, rather than supposition or popular opinion.

We’re All in It Together

If you are a regular ISP reader you know how much I enjoy meeting and interviewing people who are making a difference in this world. I also truly like being on the opposite side of the interview and freely sharing green facts and opinions.

Recently a very smart lady named Mary Kearns, owner of Herban Lifestyle interviewed me for her blog. Mary is a fellow Green America member as well as a fellow 1% for the Planet contributor. She also happens to be a customer but that is never an interview requirement. Mary asked great questions and it turns out, is an excellent writer as well. You can read the interview here – How to Green Your Packing and Shipping.

A Thought Provoking Interview

This interview definitely made me think. I usually don’t promote my interviews on other blogs because I feel I am sharing much of the same information with the interviewer’s readers that I typically share with you, ISP readers. However, recently we have been a subject of several blog posts and Mary’s interview reminded me how important it is for all of us to continue sharing and learning from each other.

Our customers tend to be very concerned and very smart about the environment and are eager to learn about packaging. Mary Kearns has a PhD degree (I told you she was smart) but one is not required to learn about sustainable packaging. You just have to care enough to take the time to know what you are shipping out into the world. It is really not that difficult to ask yourself three simple questions.

  1. Am I using the least amount of packaging possible?
  2. What is it made of?
  3. Can it be reused and if not what will become of it?

Sustainable Packaging 101

We truly appreciate customers like Mary Kearns who ask the questions that are necessary to make the right decisions about the packaging products they use. She is also doing something else that is so incredibly important – she is sharing the knowledge she’s gained through her own experience and investigation, with people she may not even know, because it is the right thing to do. That is pretty neat!

As we approach the 40th Earth Day celebration, let’s remember that it takes a planet to save one. Thank you Mary.
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