The primary reason we decided to create our own blog is to be able to serve as a resource on sustainability and packaging to our many friends and customers. We have had numerous articles published as well as postings on other eco conscious blogs but the opportunity and responsibility to be able to manage overall content and direction is one we simply could no longer resist. I am told by much more knowledgeable and experienced bloggers that our blog will undoubtedly change and evolve over time but I hope we never stray too far from this initial purpose.
Inside Sustainable Packaging will focus on three major aspects of this complicated and often confusing topic of sustainable packaging. These are:
People – Over the course of thirty plus years in the packaging industry, we have been blessed in many ways but none is as important as the many fine people we have met and are fortunate to be called friends. You can expect to see interviews and links to some of these difference makers.
Products – Our position in the industry often gives us first look at new packaging products that are often developed by companies without huge marketing budgets to promote them. We hope to be able to bring some of these to you for your own evaluation and consideration.
Perspective – Anyone who has ever read anything our marketing director, Brad Shorr or I have written know you can always count on us sharing our thoughts and ideas freely, even and especially if they are not the conventional view point . You may not always agree with what we post but your feedback will always be encouraged as will your ideas, suggestions and your own sustainable and/or packaging industry insight..
We sincerely appreciate your visiting our blog and hope you will find enough value here that you will become a regular visitor and contributor.
With warmest regards,
Dennis Salazar, President, Salazar Packaging, Inc.
Brad Shorr, Director of Marketing, Salazar Packaging, Inc.